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viking.meeroka.de Berühmtheit - Denaina
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Female Child of the Light Sorcerer 6th / Child Mage (Illusion) 8th

Hit Points: 56

Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)

Speed: 30ft

AC: 19

Attacks: Dagger (melee)+9 / +4, or dagger (thrown): +12 / +7

Damage: 1d4+2

Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +13

Abilities: Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 20

Special Abilities: Summon familiar, aura of menace, magic circle against evil, tongues, spell-like abilities at will: aid, detect evil, continual flame, specialization (major: Illusion, minor: Enchantment, Transmutation), Circle Leader, +4 spell power (Illusion)

Special Qualities: cold/acid/electricity resistance 15, DR 12/+2, +4 racial bonus to fort saves vs. Poison, immune to petrification, +3 specialist bonus vs. Illusion, SR 28, low-light vision, 60' darkvision, Guardian bond


Feats: Circle Caster, Spell Focus (Enchantment, Illusion), Silent Spell, Spell Penetration

Alignment: chaotic good


  • Bracers of Armor +5

  • Ring of Protection +2

  • Ring of Mind Shielding

  • Returning dagger +3

  • Deck of Illusions

  • Potion of Cure Serious Wounds

  • Medallion of Thoughts

Spell DCs:

Illusion: 21 + spell level

Enchantment: 17 + spell level

Others: 15 + spell level

Spells known:

(9*0) Ghost Sound*, Daze, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Read Magic

(5*1) Change Self*, Charm Person, Color Spray*, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall

(5*2) Hypnotic Pattern*, Knock, Mirror Image*, Misdirection*, Whispering Wind

(4*3) Displacement*, Fly, Hold Person, Invisibility Sphere*,

(4*4) Bestow Curse, Improved Invisibility*, Lesser Geas, Phantasmal Killer*

(3*5) Bond Guardian, Greater Shadow Conjuration*, Persistent Image*

(2*6) Greater Shadow Evocation*, Veil*

(1*7) Shadow Walk*

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