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viking.meeroka.de Nightfang Spire - Aktive Effekte im Endkampf
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Active Spells - Final Fight in Nightfang Spire

Gulthias' Group

Aoket: Protection from Elements (Fire, 156), Haste, Stoneskin
Gulthias: Fly, Protection from Arrows (DR 10/+3), Protection from Elements (Fire, 156), See Invisibility, Shield, Stoneskin, Improved Invisbility, Haste
Redbone: Stoneskin, Improved Invisibility
Vampire Spawn (1)
Vampire Spawn (2)
Vampire Spawn (3)

Solosian Striketeam

Richard deMonae: Bull's Strength (5), Divine Favor, Protection from Elements (Fire, 120)

Thomas deMonae: Bull's Strength (5), Divine Favor, Protection from Elements (Fire, 120)

Jaque Deveraux: Shield of Faith, Shield Other (Calandra), Protection from Elements (Fire, 120)

Calandra: Fly, Improved Invisibility, Mage Armor, Protection from Elements, (Fire, 120)), Shield, Shield Other (from Jaque), Natural: Cold/Acid/Electricity Resistance 15, DR 12/+2, SR 20

Player Characters

1 Erik: Bull's Strength (+5), Cat's Grace (+3), Bless, Endurance (+2), Endure Elements (Fire), Endure Elements (Cold), Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Death Ward, Invisibility Purge, Protection from Elements (Lightning, 84), Protective Ward, Negative Energy Protection, Fire Shield

2 Gunthar: Bless, Bull's Strength (+3), Endurance (+5), Fly, Greater Magic Weapon (+3), Enlarge, Death Ward, Protection from Elements (Lightning, 120), Resist Elements (Lightning), Endure Elements (Fire), Barkskin

3 Iljarel: Bless, Cat's Grace (+2), Shield, Resist Elements (Lightning)

4 Khaira: Bless, Death Ward, Protection from Elements (Lightning, 120), Resist Elements (Lightning), Endure Elements (Fire), Barkskin, Flameblade

5 Roderic:Bless, Expeditious Retreat, Shield, Mirror Image (5 Images)

6 Rudor: Bless, Bull's Strength (+3), Divine Vigor, Endurance (+4), Fly, Protection from Evil, Protection from Elements (Lightning, 108), Magic Vestment, Divine Favor, Divine Power, Dispel Evil

7 Sargen: Bless, Greater Magic Weapon (+3), Protection from Elements (Lightning, 60)

8 Tron: Bless, Bull's Strength (+2), Fly, Greater Magic Weapon (+3), Enlarge, Resist Elements (Lightning)

9-10 Girallon: Bless, Greater Magic Fang (+3), 3*Magic Fang (+1), Bull's Strength (+4), Resist Elements (Lightning), Endure

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